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AVL树 每日讯息
来源: 博客园      时间:2023-04-15 21:11:40

AVL树:强平衡二叉搜索树, 约定其 左右子节点高度差 <= 1;

图片、代码参考:Deletion in an AVL Tree - GeeksforGeeks

为保证这种平衡性;每次插入删除操作,都需要维护这条路径上节点的平衡性;因此不适合频繁插入删除,时间复杂度趋近O(log h);这也是红黑树优势的地方,是弱平衡;








1、递归找到插入位置; 2、维护平衡性;


递归找到要删除的节点;分为三种情况:①、删除叶子节点 ②、删除左右子节点有一个为空的父节点; ③、删除左右子节点都不为空的父节点;


2、只有一个字节点:用这个子节点覆盖要删除的节点;这儿意味着子节点没有子节点了,不然不满足avl平衡树的性质,所以采用直接 值赋值;




#include using namespace std;struct Node{    int data;    Node* left, *right;    int height;};int height(Node* node){    if(node == nullptr) return 0;    return node->height;}Node* LLrotation(Node* node){    Node* tmp = node->left;    Node* t = tmp->right;    tmp->right = node;    node->left = t;    node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;    tmp->height = max(height(tmp->right), height(tmp->left)) + 1;    return tmp;}Node* RRrotation(Node* node){    Node* tmp = node->right;    Node* t = tmp->left;    tmp->left = node;    node->right = t;    node->height = max(height(node->left), height(node->right)) + 1;    tmp->height = max(height(tmp->left), height(tmp->right)) + 1;    return tmp;}int balance_factor(Node* t){    if(t == nullptr) return 0;    return height(t->left) - height(t->right);}Node* successor(Node* t){    Node* cur = t;    while(cur->left != nullptr){        cur = cur->left;    }    return cur;}Node* newNode(int num){    Node* root = new Node();    root->data = num;    root->left = nullptr;    root->right = nullptr;    root->height = 1;    return root;}Node* insert(Node* root, int num){    if(root == nullptr){        return newNode(num);    }    /*recursion: find the insert position*/    if(num < root->data){        root->left = insert(root->left, num);    }else if(num > root->data){        root->right = insert(root->right, num);    }else{        return root;    }        /*balance <= 1*/    root->height = 1 + max(height(root->left), height(root->right));    int bal = balance_factor(root);    if(bal > 1 && num < root->left->data){        return LLrotation(root);    }    if(bal > 1 && num > root->left->data){        root->left = RRrotation(root->left);        return LLrotation(root);    }    if(bal < -1 && num > root->right->data){        return RRrotation(root);    }    if(bal < -1 && num < root->right->data){        root->right = LLrotation(root->right);        return RRrotation(root);    }    return root;}Node* deletenode(Node* root, int num){    if(root == nullptr) return root;    if(num > root->data){        root->right = deletenode(root->right, num);    }else if(num < root->data){        root->left = deletenode(root->left, num);    }else{        if(root->right == nullptr || root->left == nullptr){            Node* tmp = root->left ? root->left : root->right;            if(tmp == nullptr){                root == nullptr;            }else{                *root = *tmp;//override;            }            delete(tmp);        }else{            Node* tmp = successor(root->right);            root->data = tmp->data;            root->right = deletenode(root->right, tmp->data);        }    }    /*check balance?  4 cases*/    if(root == nullptr) return root;    root->height = max(height(root->left), height(root->right)) + 1;    int bal = balance_factor(root);    if(bal > 1 && balance_factor(root->left) >= 0){        return LLrotation(root);    }    if(bal > 1 && balance_factor(root->left) < 0){        root->left = RRrotation(root->left);        return LLrotation(root);    }    if(bal < -1 && balance_factor(root->right) > 0){        root->right = LLrotation(root->right);        return RRrotation(root);    }    if(bal < -1 && balance_factor(root->right) <= 0){        return RRrotation(root);    }    return root;}int main(){    Node* root = nullptr;    int num;    cout << "input num : ctrl + z is break" << endl;    /*CTRL + Z : break;*/    while(cin >> num){        root = insert(root, num);    }    cout << "preorder : " << endl;    functionpreorder = [&](Node* root){        if(root == nullptr) return;        cout << root->data << "\t";        preorder(root->left);        preorder(root->right);    };    preorder(root);        cin.clear();    cin.sync();    cout << endl << "the num to delete:  ctrl + z is break" << endl;    int tmp;    while(cin >> tmp){}    root = deletenode(root, tmp);    cout << "the arr of after delete: " << endl;    preorder(root);    system("pause");    return 0;}/*input num : ctrl + z is break9 5 10 0 6 11 -1 1 2^Zpreorder :9       1       0       -1      5       2       6       10      11the num to delete:  ctrl + z is break10^Zthe arr of after delete:1       0       -1      9       5       2       6       11      请按任意键继续. . .*/




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