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来源: 哔哩哔哩      时间:2023-07-31 12:40:09






Thetable below gives information on consumer spending on different itemsin five different countries in 2002.

Summarisethe information by selecting and reporting the main features, andmake comparisons where relevant.




given table presents data about how consumers in five differentcountries spent their money on various items in the year 2002.

, the highest spending on food, drinks, and tobacco was inTurkey, while the least was in Italy. Similarly, the maximum andminimum expenditures on clothing and footwear were seen in Italy andSweden, respectively.

terms of food, drinks, and tobacco, Turkey spent the most with apercentage of %, followed by Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and lastlyItaly, which spent only %.

looking at clothing and footwear, Italy was the biggest spenderwith 9%, while the lowest was Sweden with %. For leisure andeducation, Turkey again spent the most at %, with Irelandspending the least at %.


table provides a comparative view of consumer expenditure onvarious commodities in five distinct countries during 2002.

, Turkey reported the highest spending on food, drinks, andtobacco, whereas Italy had the lowest. Conversely, Italy had thehighest spending on clothing and footwear, while Sweden reported thelowest.

more detail, Turkey led the pack with a hefty % of theirspending directed towards food, drinks, and tobacco, followed byIreland, Spain, Sweden, and finally Italy with a mere %expenditure on the same.

the other hand, Italy emerged as the top spender on clothing andfootwear with a 9% share, while Sweden lagged behind with a %. As far as leisure and education are concerned, Turkey led witha % expenditure, with Ireland trailing at %.


table elucidates the patterns of consumer expenditure on a trioof sectors across five diverse nations in 2002.

, the bulk of spending on food, drinks, and tobacco wasreported in Turkey, while Italy exhibited the lowest spending. Incontrast, Italy topped the list for clothing and footwearexpenditure, with Sweden at the bottom.

deeper, Turkey allocated a substantial % of its totalexpenditure to food, drinks, and tobacco, followed by Ireland, Spain,Sweden, and Italy, which earmarked just % for these items.

, Italy devoted 9% of its spending to clothing andfootwear, nearly twice the amount set aside by Sweden, whichcontributed a paltry %. With respect to leisure and education,Turkey again led the pack with a % expenditure, while Irelandspent the least at %.


table furnishes an in-depth comparison of consumer spendinghabits across food, drinks, tobacco, clothing, footwear, and leisureand education in five different countries during the year 2002.

2. Overall, it is evident that Turkey demonstratedthe highest spending on food, drinks, and tobacco, whereas Italyreported the minimum. On the contrary, Italy led in spending onclothing and footwear, with Sweden bringing up the rear.

closer examination reveals that Turkey dedicated a % of their total spending to food, drinks, and tobacco,substantially more than Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and particularlyItaly, which committed a minimal % to these commodities.

a reversal of fortunes, Italy led the way in the clothing andfootwear category with an expenditure of 9%, almost double that ofSweden, which allocated only %. The trend of spending on leisureand education was dominated by Turkey at %, nearly twice theamount invested by Ireland, the least spending country at %.



"Thegiven table presents data about how consumers in five differentcountries spent their money on various items in the year 2002."

Thisintroductory sentence is a simple paraphrase of the prompt, which isexpected at this band level. However, it doesn't add any significantdetails or insights about the data.

"Overall,the highest spending on food, drinks, and tobacco was in Turkey,while the least was in Italy. Similarly, the maximum and minimumexpenditures on clothing and footwear were seen in Italy and Sweden,respectively."

Theoverview provides the main trends but is quite basic and doesn'thighlight the key comparisons or anomalies.

Inthe following sentences, the candidate presents the data without anyclear logical organization. The vocabulary ("highest","lowest") and sentence structures are quite simple, andthere are no complex sentences or advanced grammatical structures.

Thisresponse is a Band 5 because it meets the minimum requirements of thetask: it presents the data and provides an overview. However, itdoesn't showcase a wide range of vocabulary, complex sentences, or ahigh degree of coherence and cohesion.


Theresponse at this band level begins to demonstrate a clearer structureand more detailed overview. The candidate uses more varied vocabulary(., "reported", "expenditure") and morecomplex grammatical structures (., "whereas"). Thecandidate also starts to make more detailed comparisons between thecountries.

Thisresponse is a Band 6 because it goes beyond merely presenting thedata and provides more detailed analysis. It shows a wider range ofvocabulary and more complex sentences, though there might still besome grammatical errors.


Atthis band level, the candidate provides a comprehensive overview anddetailed comparisons. The candidate uses advanced vocabulary (.,"allocated", "earmarked") and complex grammaticalstructures (., "nearly twice the amount set aside bySweden"). The response is well-organized, with clear transitionsbetween ideas.

Thisresponse is a Band 7 because it fulfills all aspects of the task withfew errors. It uses a wide range of vocabulary and complex sentencesaccurately, and it demonstrates a high level of coherence andcohesion.


Atthis band level, the candidate provides an in-depth analysis of thedata. The candidate uses sophisticated vocabulary (., "furnishes","allocated", "demonstrated") and complexgrammatical structures (., "in a reversal of fortunes").The response is highly coherent, with logical progression and cleartransitions between ideas.

Thisresponse is a Band 8 because it excels in all aspects of the task. Ituses a wide range of vocabulary and complex sentences accurately andappropriately, and it is highly coherent and cohesive.























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